Thursday, October 11
7:00 - 11:00 | Happy Hour Rula Bula Irish Pub |
Friday, October 12
9:00 -10:00 | Hubert Janicki, Census Bureau " Employer-Provided Health Insurance in a Model with Labor Market Frictions" Discussant: Alex Bick, Arizona State University |
10:00 -11:00 | Daniel Lawver, UC Santa Barbara "<em>Health Shocks and Policy Evaluation</em>" Discussant: Roozbeh Hosseini, Arizona State University |
11:00 -11:30 | Coffee |
11:30 -12:30 | Johanna Wallenius, Stockholm School of Economics " Retirement, Home Production and Labor Supply Elasticities" Discussant: Gustavo Ventura, Arizona State University |
12:30 -1:30 | Lunch |
1:30 -2:30 | Loris Rubini, Carlos III "Deconstructing Firm Size Distributions: The Importance of International Trade" Discussant: Natalia Ramondo, Arizona State University |
2:30 -3:30 | Seon Tae Kim, ITAM " Corporate Credit Spreads and Business Cycles" Discussant: Galina Vereschagina, Arizona State University |
3:30 -4:00 | Coffee |
4:00 -5:00 | Jorge Alonso, ITAM "The Elasticity of the Informal Sector to Taxes and Transfers" Discussant: David Lagakos, Arizona State University |
5:00 -6:00 | El-hadj Bah, University of Auckland "Entry Cost, Financial Friction and Cross-Country Difference in Income and TFP" Discussant: Ed Prescott, Arizona State University |
6:00 | Adjourn |
7:30 | Dinner: House of Tricks |
Saturday, October 13
9:00 -10:15 | Chris Herrington, Arizona State University "Implications of Public Education Financing Systems for Earnings Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility" Discussant: Gueorgui Kambourov, University of Toronto |
10:15 -10:45 | Coffee |
10:45 -12:00 | Kevin Donovan, Arizona State University "Agricultural Risk, Intermediate Inputs, and Cross-Country Productivity Differences" Discussant: Richard Rogerson, Princeton University |
12:00 -1:15 | Lunch |
1:15 -2:00 | Yan Bai, University of Rochester "Linkages Across Sovereign Debt Markets" |
2:00 -2:45 | Igor Livshits, University of Western Ontario "Aggregate Fluctuations, Consumer Credit and Bankruptcy" |
2:45 -3:30 | Gueorgui Kambourov, University of Toronto "Household Risk and Insurance Over the Life Cycle" |
3:30 - 4:00 | Coffee |
4:00 -5:00 | Julio Leal, CIDE "Labor vs. Consumption Taxes, under Imperfect Enforcement: Effects on Productivity" Discussant: Cara McDaniel, Arizona State University |
5:00 -6:00 | Kathryn Birkeland, University of South Dakota "Redistribution and Access: Evaluating State Higher Education Financing and Student Aid Policies" Discussant: Todd Schoellman, Arizona State University |
6:00 | Adjourn |
6:30 | Bus transport to dinner - Pick up in parking lot next to ASU Bookstore |
7:00 -11:00 | Dinner: Home of Ed and Jan Prescott |
11:00 | Return transport to Tempe Mission Palms |
Program Organizers: Berthold Herrendorf, Arizona State University
Todd Schoellman, Arizona State University